Monday, November 2, 2009

Follow the leader...

I thought I would be the first to post. If everyone could post a little bit about themselves, and what you want to get out of this blog, that would be helpful!

I'll start!

I'm Kathryn i.e. DaisyMayBride77. I have never been completely happy with my body, but then again, who really is. I have always enjoyed being active, but since getting married, I've really been slacking! My goals are to work out about 5 days a week (I normally take weekends off), run a 5k with good time this spring, feel good in my clothes (more specifically fit into my favorite jeans that haven't fit in over a year), and just live a more healthy lifestyle. Ideally, I'd like to lose about 25 lbs, but I don't want to be pressed on being a certain weight.

I don't really follow a specific workout plan. Most days I run for about 15 minutes, do the wii active for about 30, then do some regular and side to side sit ups.

What about you girls?



  1. I'm on the road to weight loss. We want to think about having kids soon, and I don't want to be over weight and then get pregnant. So, I'll be focusing on losing about 30lbs. It is going to be a long road, but I think I can do it. I'd like to get my running back up too. I'll be doing WW to keep myself on track!

  2. We are also in the process of TTC. I have always been a little bit bigger. I would like to loose about 50lbs all together but I would be happy with atleast 30 lbs. We bought an elliptical this past weekend I am planning on using that atleast 5 days a week and not 2 large meals a day and most little meals throughout the day.

  3. I too am on my weight loss journey. I have struggled with my weight since I was in middle school. I was always up and down- but around college I gained a lot of weight and since put on a total of about 85 lbs. My weight is definetly a problem for me, I am always thinking about it and obsessing over it. Recently, I decided to eat about 1500 calories a day and try to work out about 3 days a week. I have lost 11bs so far, but the motivation is slowly wearing off. I am joining a gym this month with DH and keeping up with my 1500 calories a day and drink lots of water. I am hoping to accomplish my goal of 50lbs.

  4. Like Amber and Katie, I really want and need to lose about 50 lbs. before we TTC. I want to be my absolute healthiest self to have a healthy and happy pregnancy and birth experience. I hope we can all learn from each other's struggles and give great advice on what works and what to stay away from. Good Luck ladies!!

  5. Hey girls - I'm Diane, an aging 50 year old who struggles with her weight every single day. Exercise is not my problem (food is my enemy) - I am very diligent about it. I get up at 3:15am every morning (M-F) just so I can get in a morning routine! I also do a one hour power walk at lunch, using a weighted vest. Last winter I joined a biggest loser contest and won after dropped 18 pounds. Now my goal is to STAY THERE!

  6. Hey! I am also needing to lose at least 50 pounds, maybe more. My biggest issue is that I'm home alone all day so accountability goes out the window. I've been up to 70 pounds smaller than I am now, and while I don't want to be that small again, I don't think, I'd really like to get and stay healthy.

  7. I feel rather insignificant because I am really only wanting to lose about 20 pounds. My name is Sara, aka LoveInCowboyBoots, and I had our first child on August 17th, and gained 32 pounds during my pregnancy. I lost 15 right away, another five pounds when I started watching what I ate when DD was about 2 weeks old, and now I'm stuck! I have ten pounds of baby weight left to lose and then I'd like to lose the ten pounds I gained between getting married (June 08) and getting pregnant (Nov 08).

    I am breastfeeding, so my weight loss plan is to just manage my portions and cut out sweets and junk. I am also going to force myself to drink way more water.

    I was heavy all my life before I got to college, even though I was very active (I'm 5'4" and weighed about 180 through high school), and then suddenly lost 45 pounds. I really wasn't trying to lose weight, but I just watched my portions better than I did before. Now I'm a SAHM and I don't get out as much as I should. I hope to go on an hour long walk 5-6 days a week now, and hopefully in the spring we will be getting my horses so I will be able to get out and active that way again.

    I think I've rambled on long enough! Sorry!

  8. hi! i'm hjscott, a newbie on the nest. i'm really excited about this group!

    i reached an "oh sh!t" moment when i realized that i've gained 35 pounds since high school, with about 15 of those creeping back after my wedding in 2007. :) then dh and i had blood work done and learned that our cholesterol needs improvement, both the good kind and the bad. at 25 there is no excuse for me!

    realistically, i'd like to improve my health and drop about 20 lbs so when we TTC in about a year or two, i can start with a clean bill of health.

    i got hubby to agree to a trip to savannah, ga (where we honeymooned) if i hit my goal, so i have the motivation, but really need extra support!!
